Welcome to this first edition of the CITyFiED project newsletter! Here you will find insight into how we are developing a systemic vision and strategy to adapt European cities and urban ecosystems into smart, sustainable and inclusive cities for the future. CITyFiED is co-financed through the FP7 programme, brings together some 18 partners from Belgium, Spain, Sweden and Turkey and draws on three demonstration districts.
Across society, greener ways of living are coming about and we are already aware of the need to shift to more sustainable ecosystems for our towns and cities.
The CITyFiED project aims to address some of major challenges facing urban districts and to do so it focuses on three broad and overlapping key areas: energy savings, integrated urban mobility, and ICT.
It is an exciting prospect to seek out integrated responses to these issues and to pioneer a set of solutions that will be adopted throughout Europe and beyond. Only a sound and skilled consortium made up of leading organisations and business such as those represented within the CITyFiED consortium can deliver on this challenging agenda. They include partners from RTD, industry and communication all working towards meeting the EU’s objectives of creative and smart cities. To this we must add the municipalities and other public bodies involved in our endeavours. In fact, one of the key elements of our project is to set up a “cluster of cities” with close links to the consortium and designed to “get them cityfied” using the results and methodologies developed from our work. 11 cities are now part of the cluster, which is no mean feat as we are only six months into CITyFiED!
You can find out more about who’s who in this edition along with news from the our demonstration districts (Lund-Sweden, Soma-Turkey and Valladolid-Spain), and highlights from a very packed and eventful first progress meeting hosted by our partners in Lund.
As with all demonstration projects, communication is paramount and so CITyFiED has a fully functional website where you can find out all you need to know. Why not sign up and join our community using our social media?
With best wishes,
Ali Vasallo Belver
CITyFiED coordinator