Among dissemination actions, two categories may be distinguished. Those actions that establish a dialogue with potential users (two-way communication) and the others only intended for a one-way diffusion of the scientific and technical information.
It is for instance beneficial to establish a dialogue with potential cooperation partners (e.g. partners for further R&D) and end users to collect their feedback on the project results and train them on how to use those results. This category also includes actions to conclude technical or business cooperation agreements beyond the project.
Actions used in the large majority (>75%) of collaborative projects are:
- Set up of a dissemination and communication plan (overall strategy and actions planned during the project).
- Marketing with presentation/distribution of dissemination material (e.g. at scientific and industrial conferences and seminars).
- Networking with other similar projects.
- Workshop/seminars/webinars for potential end-users.
Further actions for the diffusion of scientific and technical information used in about 30-60% of the projects are (in decreasing order of use):
- Scientific (e.g. peer reviewed) and technical articles (including trade magazine).
- Listing of potential technology or business cooperation partners as well as potential end users.
- Site visits/study tours (e.g. of demonstration sites).
- Marketing with demonstrators (e.g. at trade fairs).
- Best practices brochures/handbooks.
Further actions also used in about 30–60% of the projects and aiming at establishing a dialogue with potential cooperation partners or end users are (in decreasing level of use):
- Professional trainings of end-users (face-to-face trainings as well as webinars or e-learning modules).
- Marketing with demonstrators (e.g. at trade fairs).
- Setup and consultation of a project advisory board (e.g. with industry/end-users) or any restricted stakeholders group with an advisory role on the project activities.
- Participation in matchmaking events (e.g. including speed dating and elevator pitches).
- Generation of partnership agreements with future technology/business cooperation partners.
Barely used but still an option is the generation of formal offer or request profiles of project partners looking for technical or business cooperation. Also seldom is the publication of a toolbox of project results for potential users/customers.